I'm two months into this whole married-life gig, and I think I like it. Not that there was any question, but just thought I'd verify that for you.
The last two months have been wonderful. The hubs and I have learned so much about each other, both the things we love and the things we don't so much. We have learned how to better communicate with each other, and we've learned how to lean on each other. Bliss. Wedded bliss. [Newly]wedded bliss.
I feel so blessed to share my life with such a wonderful guy. He's sweet and strong, caring and attentive. He makes my life more rich.
Tomorrow we're moving-- again. We'll be in a new apartment. Our apartment. It will be our space to make a home. Not a permanent home, but certainly longer than I've lived anywhere in the last twelve months. Thank goodness.
So while we're busy moving boxes, couches, and more boxes, I'll leave you with a few wedding photos.
And stay tuned... there will be more to come.