While doing the ultrasound, they "snuck in" a 3D image for us to really see the little guy's face. We didn't get to do that with Ella, so it was really fun to see! Here's a side-by-side of Ella at just a few days old, and her Baby Brudder at 32 weeks. Could they look any more similar at this point?!
After seeing his little face, I realized how soon he'll be joining us! I've been asked a few times if we're all ready for him to come. Uhhh.... NO! I have done next to nothing in preparation of his arrival. We've had visitors staying in "his room" just about every two weeks for the past couple months, so we haven't organized furniture or anything. We literally have only moved Ella's crib into the room-- pink siderail covers and all. Maybe I should get on that???
We have a few things to buy this time around, but of course much less than the first time. Just some live and learn things to make life a little easier.
We still haven't settled on any names. There are two that I really like, and I told them to Mike a few days ago.. and of course he vetoed one. He wasn't crazy about the other, but he still has yet to suggest anything. Maybe we'll have a name or two picked out by the time we walk through the hospital doors. Good thing we still have a while!