Some days I wonder where I belong. Figuratively, but also literally. Figuratively: where do I fit in? What am I supposed to be doing? I am a nurse, and I love that. I love doing what I do, caring for people in their most vulnerable times, and making a difference in people’s lives. But do I belong in oncology? Or do I switch to ICU, the NICU, or an office? Grad school? I just don’t know. And literally: where do I go from here? My work contract and my apartment lease are both up this month. Coincidence? I’m really a free agent. Do I stay in Omaha, or do I try travel nursing for a while? Do I move somewhere new and different? I'm trying to figure it out.
These are (seemingly) huge life questions, and ultimately they’re up to me. But if you know me, you know I’m not good at decisions such as these. I’m thinking maybe I’ll put all my options on a slip of paper and draw one out of a hat. Or spin a wheel.
Legitimate means of making a decision? Maybe not.
Where do my roots belong?
Stay tuned for an update and I'll let you know what's next....
Stay tuned for an update and I'll let you know what's next....
random picture, i know.
but i'm intrigued by the new mushrooms growing outside of my apartment each morning.
but i'm intrigued by the new mushrooms growing outside of my apartment each morning.
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