Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Photography 101

During the past few months I've been wanting to try my hand at photography, but the frigid winter weather hasn't been so conducive to doing so. But I think Spring is finally upon us, so a friend and I headed to the Old Market on Saturday so I could see what this camera business is all about.

All my life I've had a 'point-and-shoot', but it was time to step it up. One of my college friends does a good amount of photography in his journalism work, and he had recently upgraded his camera. So he let me use the one he was retiring to see if I liked it. And I finally had a change to see whether I did or not.

It was a perfect Spring morning--sun starting to shine, just warm enough to be comfortable in a sweatshirt. After a coffee shop stop and a battery run, the photography began.

The camera has "auto" options, and I had tried those a few times, but I had never figured out how to change the aperture, the ISO, or the shutter speed. (At least I think those are the three components I was changing... See Connie and Becky, I'm getting this!) But by accident, we figured it out. And what a big difference those make.

Without knowing what my 
settings were (or even should be),
this is what I got. 

  After playing around with 
 things, I got a much better idea of what the numbers meant. Now onto more exciting scenery.

I had never walked around the Gene Lahey Mall before, and I finally realized what I have been missing. What a great place. It's definitely going to be a picnic-filled summer.

I know none of the following photos are spectacular by any means, but they're the first ones I've taken with manual settings. No 'auto' used here. It's a great first step!

After the Gene Lahey Mall, we wandered around downtown for a while. We went to The Passageway, which I've never really taken the time to enjoy. There are so many fun shops in there, and it's very neat to walk through.

 Outside of an art gallery, there was a really strange garden -- if you can call it that. It had lots of strange trees (left), and there was a set of heads all the way around the outside that represented the signs of the Zodiac. And on the inside, heads that represented the planets. In the middle there was a shallow pool with another head. I really don't get it, and to be honest I was a little creeped out. Without the heads it would have been a really cool little place!

Fun morning. Fun learning. Fun discovering.
What's next??

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