Wednesday, June 6, 2012

I Tri(ed)

Saturday was the second annual Omaha Women's Triathlon. My friend Kayla (who you may remember from last year as my pregnant by-stander friend) wanted to check a triathlon off her bucket list, so I agreed I'd do it with her.

About three weeks before the triathlon was to happen, I was having second thoughts. I had moved three (yes, three) times during the course of "training" and had really been slacking. I was getting only a couple of my week's workouts in, and I really wasn't feeling good about my abilities. But after a pep-talk with Kayla (at least that's what I'll call it), I decided I couldn't back out. So away we went.

After a 750-meter swim (a half-mile), a 20K bike (12.4 miles), and a 5K run (3.1 miles), my legs were completely exhausted, but the triathlon was complete! I didn't do as well as I could have if I had trained appropriately, but I did beat least year's time... by 5 seconds! Not bad for not training. My goal was to finish in under 2 hours, and I did beat that by 5 minutes. Win. Maybe for my next tri, I'll train and do better ;)

I have decided that the run is really the crucial part. That's what will make or break your time. Mine, at least. The swim will never be my strongest leg. I grew up as a fish in the swimming pool and beach, but the crawl stroke while I'm being kicked and hit by fellow swimmers just isn't my forte. The bike is easy for me to push it a little extra, especially when I know the route. But the run. I've never been a runner by trade, only by training. I've never excelled in it, despite all the races I've done, but I do it to accomplish a set goal. Kayla, however, IS a runner. Which is why, after being ahead of her for the swim AND the bike, she kicked my butt in the run. And beat me by a full 10 minutes. So next time... the run. I'll get the run.

Kayla, Kasey, and I before the race began.

Next year, Kasey will be flexing her guns too.

One of my cheerleaders, Kate. Oh yes, she made a sign. She's just that great :)

Transition area.

Not-so-flattering, but whatever.

Can you see the exhaustion in my face??
Asking at this point whether Kayla was ahead or behind me... and making sure she wasn't the lady in the ambulance.

Mallory was a rockstar and finished the race with me. After she had already finished. 

We decided this should go on the cover of the new Corning-Villisca newspaper (since she's from Villisca). We used to be rivals. Now we're Timberwolves. Or something like that....

Kayla, Me, and Mallory after the finish. SUCCESS!!

My final time was 1:55:32. I finished 120th out of approximately 300 ladies. Not the best in the world, but mine and I'm proud of it. I finished. Did YOU??

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