Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Ooot and Abooot

As you may have already figured out, Mike has moved to St Cloud, Minnesota for a job opportunity. Turns out, that's nearly seven hours away. Yuck.

However, I had a four-day weekend recently and I decided maybe I should spend some time in my future city and with my future hubby. Good call, huh?

I arrived in St Cloud on Friday evening and I stayed until Monday morning, which was a great long-weekend away. Mike and I got to spend some quality time together, I got to see some friends I hadn't seen in a while, and I got a little more acquainted with St Cloud.

Friday night Mike and I had the opportunity to go to a St. Cloud Rox baseball game, courtesy of Mike's boss. More perks of the job :)   If you know me, you know that I love baseball. Maybe for the hotdogs, sunshine, and people watching -- or maybe for the baseball. Who knows. But I do enjoy it. 

And an extra bonus? It was a Friday night game. You know what that means:  Fireworks! Another of my favorites!

Saturday we went for a run along the river, met Father Mike for lunch, soaked up some sun at the beach, and enjoyed a home-cooked dinner courtesy of Mike's friends. Sunday was pretty relaxing-- we went to church and didn't do much else. That evening we enjoyed cheesy-broccoli-rice and salad while watching a movie on the floor. We're just that cool.  

I think when Mike and I actually do have furniture, we won't know what to do. We've both lived without much for the past month. I cannot WAIT to have furniture, tv, and internet again. Welcome to the 21st century!!

Overall it was a fantastic weekend in St. Cloud. Great friends, great sun, and a great guy. I couldn't have asked for more!

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